SMS Short Code Services

Secure a unique SMS short code for your business or organization.

Increase your Engagement
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SMS Shortcodes Icon Illustration






SMS Short codes are 5 to 6-digit recognizable numbers that let businesses instantly send and receive SMS or text messages. Develop brand awareness and deliver an easier way for customers to interact with your business or organization.

Features and Benefits

Short Code

SMS short codes are regularly used for promotions; easy to remember for customers and easy for businesses.
Consumers love to enter because it’s quick and easy; simply text a word like WIN, FREE, PIZZA, to an easy number.

Simple Keyword

Keywords make it easy for you to reach your customers via text messages. All you have to do is reserve a specific keyword, and then your customers can text that keyword to your number.

Generate Revenue

Premium Rate shortcodes enable brands to operate a service where customers pay to send an SMS to a shortcode. The cellular networks acquire the payments, and a portion is paid out to you.

How companies use SMS Short Codes…


Discover how consumers view your business and service. Understand customers’ needs, and adapt your sales strategy.

Lead Generation

Receive instant responses for sales, loans or quotes.

SMS short Code Example


Invite consumers to enter contests via SMS short code, and boost your lead-generation database.


Easily collect donations, consumers simply send an SMS to your short code.

Reach Customers Directly with SMS Short Code Services

Using just one simple but powerful or emotional word, like “WIN”, “FREE” or “MONEY”, you can
reach your customers and have them quickly reaching back.
SMS Short Code Services in South Africa are an effective component of mobile marketing in South
Africa, and they can be used to create a direct and interactive channel with your audience that will
benefit your business, by having a positive impact on your marketing efforts, without costing you a
small fortune.

SMS Short Code Services describe a unique mobile marketing solution.

The service is made up of short, memorable 5 or 6-digit codes, or words, which allow customers to easily opt-in to receive SMS messages from your business.

Once subscribed, you can send your customers targeted marketing messages, run promotions,gather valuable customer data, and create two-way communication, all through the power and ease of text messaging.

We’ve all received this form of marketing, but you probably don’t quite realise that SMS Short Code Services offer businesses a multitude of advantages. And what’s more is that like most mobile marketing services in South Africa, this one is affordable and it can be fully customised to suit your company’s personality and your marketing expectations. 

Not convinced quite yet? Then have a look at these benefits:

Cost-Effective Engagement

Compared to traditional marketing methods, SMS Short Code Services in South Africa are a budget-friendly way to reach a vast audience. Generally, depending on the provider you choose to work with, you will only pay for the messages you send. This is what makes this service quite the scalable solution for businesses of all sizes.

High Engagement Rates

SMS is known for its phenomenal open rates, with studies showing over 90% of messages being read within minutes, if not instantly. This ensures that your message will be seen and perhaps even acted upon by your target audience, provided you have a good message and a great deal to offer. 

Permission-Based Marketing

Customers who opt-in for your SMS list already want your messages. This will lead to higher engagement and better conversion rates, which is exactly what you want. 

Increased Brand Awareness

When you have regular communication through SMS, you can keep your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds. This will help to create loyalty and trust, two things no modern business can do without these days. 

Two-Way Communication

Unlike traditional SMS marketing, SMS Short Code Services makes two-way communication possible. You can use short codes for a number of different things like running contests or gathering feedback through polls. You can even provide customer support directly through SMS, something that your customers will greatly appreciate (and probably tell their friends about). 

Data Collection and Insights

Since you will have access to a dashboard just for your business, you will be able to track valuable customer data from the keyword responses to gain insights into your customer’s preferences. You can then use this information to tailor future campaigns to achieve better results.

Simple Integration

SMS Short Code Services can be easily integrated with existing marketing campaigns, allowing you to use them alongside your other marketing strategies.

When you decide to give an SMS Short Code Service a try, you will want to ensure that you do everything to get your marketing campaign off on the right foot. And since there is a growing number of SMS Short Code Service Providers in South Africa, choosing the right partner is essential. These are the key characteristics that you should look for in a provider:


Reliability is a must when it comes to this sort of marketing. You should take the time to look for a provider with a proven track record when it comes to their SMS Short Code system’s uptime and message delivery. 

You will want your messages to reach their intended recipients consistently. At Channel Mobile, we pride ourselves on our reliable infrastructure and we can guarantee that your short code service will run smoothly.

Pricing and Features

Compare pricing plans and available features to find a solution that fits your budget and campaign needs. We offer our clients competitive pricing and a range of helpful features, whether they are only using our SMS Short Code Service or should they choose to work with our entire mobile marketing catalogue of services. 

Ease of Use

All of the best SMS Short Code Services include a user-friendly platform for managing your short code service, including creating campaigns, tracking responses, and generating reports. Make sure that the provider you are considering does too. 

Customer Support

Try to find out if the company you are considering is consistent with its customer support. You will want to choose a provider that is readily available to answer your questions or troubleshoot your problem. 

When used on its own SMS Short Code Services are immensely effective, but when integrated into your existing marketing campaign, this particular service is going to certainly improve your advertising efforts, especially since South Africans are famous for their obsession with their phones. To perfectly integrate this marketing style, you can do this: 

Promote Opt-Ins Across Channels

You can start by integrating your calls to action to join your SMS list by including a sign up message on your website, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and even on your traditional marketing materials.

Run Contests and Promotions

You can encourage participation in contests and promotions by using your short code for entry or voting. This creates excitement and it will help to drive engagement with your brand.

Gather Customer Feedback

You can use SMS short codes to conduct quick polls or surveys, allowing you to gather valuable customer insights in real time while also getting your customers to notice you. 

Offer Two-Way Customer Support

You can use SMS Short Code Services to give basic customer support options via SMS. This lets your customers submit questions or it can allow them to track an order status through text messages.

Drive Website Traffic

Finally, you can include website links in your SMS messages to direct customers to specific product pages, landing pages, or promotional offers.

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We work with some of the best known brands.

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By providing a phone number you consent to be contacted by RCS, WhatsApp, phone call or SMS from Channel Mobile. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Reply STOP to opt out of future messaging. See our Privacy Policy.
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  • 100% Coverage
  • 99.9% Uptime
  • 24/7 Support

Or call us at 0860 104 671