Author Archives: Channel Mobile
Make Recruitment More Accessible With USSD
Alternative mobile ussd protocol makes accessing server-based forms possible from any mobile device, widening the [...]
Mobile Marketing: Nigeria
Nigeria is Africa’s largest mobile market with more than 125 million subscribers and a market [...]
Benefits of Please Call Me Advertising
Businesses of any kind can benefit from using Please Call me to advertise in three [...]
Mobile World Of Apps
Mobile World Of Apps It’s often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins [...]
Campaigning to the youth market through mobile
Campaigning to the youth market The youth market has always been a key market for [...]
Are you satisfying your customer’s needs?
The speed in which you are able to attend to clients during a time of [...]
Channel Mobile “Know my Rights”
Channel Mobile “Know my Rights” With human rights day coming up on Monday the 21st [...]
What’s still relevant in mobile marketing 2016?
Relevant Mobile Marketing 2016 With more and more people using their smart phones to do [...]
10 Mobile Marketing Stats for the New Year
Mobile usage has become so prevalent over the last decade that chances are you’re reading this [...]