Use Cases of a WhatsApp Chatbot

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Not too long ago, Chatbots sounded like something from a sci-fi movie. Today, computer systems can pretty much have a good conversation with humans. Chatbots are changing the way businesses interact with consumers, and the WhatsApp chatbot is a valuable communication tool when implemented effectively.

Why WhatsApp?
WhatsApp is one of the most powerful communication platforms across the global and is a prolific communication app that is geared for business use. There are many reasons that WhatsApp is the preferred choice in messaging apps.

  • WhatsApp is Accessible
  • WhatsApp Advanced Features like sharing contacts, content, location pins
  • Affordability – free to download and virtually free messaging
  • No Advertising – meaning for uninterrupted use when communicating

What is a WhatsApp Chatbot?
A chatbot is a computer program that simulates and processes human conversation, allowing humans to interact as if they were communicating with a real person. Chatbots can be as simple as answering a simple query with a short response, or sophisticated “digital assistants” that deliver more personalized help as they gather and process information.

Use Cases for WhatsApp Bots
If your business isn’t already using WhatsApp chatbots for customer engagement, here’s a look at ways it can take your business further.Use Cases of a WhatsApp Chatbot

Enhanced Customer Service
With a chatbot, businesses can communicate with customers any time of the day. In today’s environment customers expect instant responses to queries. The WhatsApp bot is designed to deal with all types of customer queries, from complaints, new orders, or process refunds. Customer service is an important, but costly and time-consuming function. With a WhatsApp chatbot, businesses can save time and focus on other key business activities.

Alerts and Notifications
You can use the chatbot to send automated notifications to customers regarding orders, payments, account updates (e.g., new addresses. Email is often not checked, so time-sensitive messages might be missed. A WhatsApp chatbot is perfect for sending instant alerts such as appointment reminders, discounts, or event notifications.

Lead generation
The ease of a chatbot makes lead generation simpler than before. The WhatsApp chatbot is perfect for getting detailed information and improving the customer experience. Once the conversation begins, the business receives the customer’s name and phone number immediately, allowing for personalised communication to convert leads to customers.

Loyalty Programmes
Managing loyalty programs can be a challenging task, and users struggle to adopt to a loyalty program if they are not alerted of its benefits and perks. A WhatsApp bot though, will alert users regarding their balance, reward reminders as well as can message them to redeem their points.
As a result, your loyalty programmes are more effective, are a great way to secure customers and invite repeat purchases.


Tips for Building WhatsApp Bots
In order to create a great WhatsApp chatbot customer experience, there are certain criteria you need to focus on. Let’s review some of the practices worth considering if you’re aiming to provide excellent customer service with chatbots and live chat.

Consistent Messaging
Customers these days spend a lot of time on various platforms, and so it is important to be responsive and consistent across whatever channel a customer may contact you through. Their chatbot experience should provide consistent services across all these platforms. Response times to accuracy in answers, greeting messages or brand phrases, the experience should remain consistent.

Not a Human
While AI can enable WhatsApp chatbots to feel like a human conversation, it’s important that customers are aware that they aren’t dealing with an agent. This means clear communication to manage expectations.

Give users Options
It’s helpful to let them know what the chatbot can assist them with. The best way to do this is to present a list of options that they can choose from when the chatbot first greets them. Customers often have similar enquiries, but they do not always phrase these questions in the same way.
List options allows the customer to respond with minimal effort and provides a consistent response that you can easily identify and respond to.

Remember – your customers will always be in control on WhatsApp. The key to using WhatsApp as a successful channel relies on being clear on what messages you will be sending to your customers and what value these messages have for them.

Make sure you’re taking full advantage of the WhatsApp Business Solution to reach new and existing customers. Contact us to tailor a solution to your particular requirements.